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Journal Entry 3: After some time in the spider's forest.


The scholar keeps telling me secrets that the other one doesn't like. But, I don't care. The scholar is so much kinder...well, not kinder, but less obtrusive. The hungry one keeps me up at night telling me to do things, but I'm not so foolish. snrght


One secret the scholar told me is that I can keep my mind if I help them too! That's why we're all getting on so well now. Plus it also taught me about the tablet! Oh my seeker friends... You will just love to see it! The ritual alone is enough to make you wet yerselves, but wait till the finale! 


You'll see it eventually. My friends have promised me that! And, I believe them. Because they are my friends. Just like my other friends!


Friends! Friends! Friends!


The scholar says there are more like him, but he's the most honest of them all. The others tell lies to get people to do the things, but the scholar says he doesn't have to do that  since he just helps people and they help him.


Roshua Jobinsenn was a name I was told about. He thought the third writing was the lie, but in fact they were all true! The lie was in the truth! I think that's what the scholar means about the tablet. So maybe you Seekers can help me find out!

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